Imagine, if you will, a blind-folded soldier shooting his gun aimlessly with an X over his heart and one word on his mind, "Kill."
One day, I hope, the ever-brave soldiers will put down their guns, because they will not have a reason to fight anymore.
It's called tolerance. It's called peace.
Now imagine, if you will, a heart sergion, destitute and poor, standing on a street corner, holding a sign that reads, "I save lives, but I should have worked at McDonalds." Where has all the years of college gone?
They say that, "Money is the root of all evils." But they've never been poor. I understand. Health care should be for people who have made something, or have at least tried, of themselves. Not for the ones that want a handout because they dropped out of high school and now are on Food Stamps and WIC.
Lastly, imagine, if you will, a man who had just smoked weed and is now occupying his couch, eating from a bag of chips.
Now, imagine, if you will, a drunk man swerving in and out of traffic and tragically killing a young girl who could have been our first woman president, or someone to cure cancer, or someone to end world hunger.
Imagine the irony of that fucking situation.
So What?
So we need some change. This is not good.
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